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Halo is Parasound’s premier line with a reputation for going head-to-head with the most expensive equipment on the market, while costing a fraction of the price. Halo has earned honors and awards that are unmatched. The Parasound Halo JC 3+ is a High-Performance Dual-Mono Phono Preamplifier built with the highest quality parts, solid construction, and a very clean design. Like all Phono Preamplifiers, the JC 3+ must multiply the tiny audio signal generated by a high-end low-output moving coil (MC) or moving magnet (MM) phonograph cartridge and make it strong enough to deliver to the input of a line level preamplifier. Parasound's Halo JC 3+ is a dual mono design with unbalanced inputs and outputs using Vampire RCA jacks, plus balanced outputs using Neutrik XLR jacks. A variable MC load adjust independent for each channel from 50-550 ohms with dual gang potentiometers specially made for Parasound by Vishay.

Parasound Halo Series JC 3+ Phono Preamplifier

  • A custom-made three-position input impedance/gain switch provides for 47k Ohm MM, variable impedance MC, and 47k Ohm MC. The latter is an ideal load for some MC cartridges and high-end moving iron cartridges. Variable MC load adjust independent for each channel from 50-550 ohms with dual gang potentiometers specially made for Parasound by Vishay.

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